Aonang Garden
Krabi, Thailanda
- 4
Cauta vacanta dorita
Alege vacanta dorita completand campurile de mai jos
Descrierea Hotelului
Aonang Garden Villa is a Modern Thai Style villa location surrounded by the panorama mountain view. Covering an area 14 rais comprising with 23 units of Vasinee 1(Useable area 150 Sq.m) and 23 units of Vasinee 2 (Useable area 170 Sq.m ) . Vasinee 1 and Vasinee 2 composed with 3 bedrooms especially the master bedroom of Vasinee 2 opens to spacious balcony for relaxing and seeing the natural view of mountain. 2 bathroom with hot and cold shower. Combined walk through living and dining area and separate kitchen walled of the main and dining area. Aonang Garden Villa providing for enjoyable facilities large swimming pool sundeck and gym which located in the backdrop of tropical lush garden to relaxing on your holiday.Aonang Garden Villa is a Modern Thai Style villa location surrounded by the panorama mountain view. Covering an area 14 rais comprising with 23 units of Vasinee 1(Useable area 150 Sq.m) and 23 units of Vasinee 2 (Useable area 170 Sq.m ) . Vasinee 1 and Vasinee 2 composed with 3 bedrooms especially the master bedroom of Vasinee 2 opens to spacious balcony for relaxing and seeing the natural view of mountain. 2 bathroom with hot and cold shower. Combined walk through living and dining area and separate kitchen walled of the main and dining area. Aonang Garden Villa providing for enjoyable facilities large swimming pool sundeck and gym which located in the backdrop of tropical lush garden to relaxing on your holiday.
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