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DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Van

Van, Turcia

  • 5

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Descrierea Hotelului

The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Breakfast, Pool.The following services and amenities are currently not available: Airport Shuttle, Complimentary Evening Social, Executive Lounge, Golf, Valet Parking.Enjoy beautiful lake views and quick access to the city when you stay at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Van. This new hotel is just 2 kilometers from Van Ferit Melen Airport and 10 minutes from city center . Visit the Holy Cross Cathedral on Akdamar Island, or the historic Van Castle and Silk Road, all a short distance from the hotel. Major banks, businesses and Textile City are 15 minutes away. Weapos;ll greet you at check-in with a warm DoubleTree chocolate chip cookie. Settle into a spacious guest room with complimentary WiFi, a 42-inch HDTV, desk and ergonomic chair, and mountain and lake views. Some rooms also have a furnished balcony. Choose a suite for a separate living area with sofa. Our hotel in Van has six restaurants and lounges with flavorful world cuisine. Try a traditional Van breakfast at Esperanza Restaurant, or view the city from the top floor at Barde Cielo. A sangria bar, vitamin bar, Lobby Coffee Bar, and a seasonal outdoor restaurant are other delicious options. DoubleTree Van has family recreation covered with an indoor pool and kidsapos; pool, a 24-hour fitness center, and indoor/outdoor Kinder Garden. The hotel also provides babysitting service – perfect for an indulgent afternoon at La Belleza Spa. Host a convention for 1,000 guests or wedding reception for 650 guests in one of the cityapos;s largest conference centers, conveniently attached to the hotel. Get work done in our 24-hour business center.The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Breakfast, Pool.The following services and amenities are currently not available: Airport Shuttle, Complimentary Evening Social, Executive Lounge, Golf, Valet Parking.Enjoy beautiful lake views and quick access to the city when you stay at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Van. This new hotel is just 2 kilometers from Van Ferit Melen Airport and 10 minutes from city center . Visit the Holy Cross Cathedral on Akdamar Island, or the historic Van Castle and Silk Road, all a short distance from the hotel. Major banks, businesses and Textile City are 15 minutes away. Weapos;ll greet you at check-in with a warm DoubleTree chocolate chip cookie. Settle into a spacious guest room with complimentary WiFi, a 42-inch HDTV, desk and ergonomic chair, and mountain and lake views. Some rooms also have a furnished balcony. Choose a suite for a separate living area with sofa. Our hotel in Van has six restaurants and lounges with flavorful world cuisine. Try a traditional Van breakfast at Esperanza Restaurant, or view the city from the top floor at Barde Cielo. A sangria bar, vitamin bar, Lobby Coffee Bar, and a seasonal outdoor restaurant are other delicious options. DoubleTree Van has family recreation covered with an indoor pool and kidsapos; pool, a 24-hour fitness center, and indoor/outdoor Kinder Garden. The hotel also provides babysitting service – perfect for an indulgent afternoon at La Belleza Spa. Host a convention for 1,000 guests or wedding reception for 650 guests in one of the cityapos;s largest conference centers, conveniently attached to the hotel. Get work done in our 24-hour business center.

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