× Hello Holidays

Orca Praia

Funchal, Madeira, Portugalia

  • 3

Cauta vacanta dorita

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
Camere la cerere - cu reconfirmare in max 48 de ore
Camere disponibile - cu confirmare imediata

Descrierea Hotelului

Peacefully lying on a sloping terrace overlooking the pebbly Arieiro Beach, this superb hotel provides an idyllic setting on the mesmerising island of Madeira. Guests will find themselves within easy access of a myriad of bars and restaurants which lie a mere 400 metres away, while links to the public transport network are to be found just 50 metres from the hotel. 7 km from the hotel lies the lively tourist hub of Funchal, which is easily accessibly via the hotel shuttle bus. The nearest shops and Camara de Lobos are located 2 km away, while the closest nightclub can be found 6 km from the hotel. Guests of all ages will appreciate the hotels serene setting, warm hospitality and excellent facilities. The guest rooms are beautifully decorated and come complete with modern amenities for visitors convenience and comfort..This hotel lies on a sloping terrace overlooking pebbly Arieiro Beach (around 50 m away) and offers a stunning view out over the Atlantic. Bars and restaurants are to be found in the vicinity (400 m away) and links to the transport network are also situated nearby (50 m). Within 7 km, guests will arrive in the centre of Funchal, easily reached with the hotel shuttle bus, which runs a number of times a day. The nearest shops and Câmara de Lobos are located 2 km away, the closest nightclub is around 6 km away, and the airport is around 26 km from the hotel..The pleasing rooms come with an en suite bathroom (bath/shower/WC), hairdryer, a direct dial telephone, satellite/ cable TV, radio, a king-sized bed, carpeting, a hire safe and a balcony with a stunning sea view in all the rooms..Guests are offered buffets for breakfast, lunch and evening meals. Lunch and dinner may also be chosen from the set menu and lunch is also available à la carte. Special dietary requirements are also catered for and requested dishes can be prepared. Furthermore, it is possible to book a half-board stay..There is a swimming pool with a childrens pool in the hotel grounds as well as a poolside snack bar, sun loungers and parasols. Further sports facilities include table tennis, billiards tables (additional fees apply) and darts that can be taken advantage of. An entertainment programme provided a number of times a week includes folklore evenings and live music for variation..American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and VISA are accepted as methods of payment.

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